The linchpin of any company or organization is always communication. Corporate communication is a challenge even among workers from the same region, so when a company goes global, that linchpin can be weakened by miscommunication resulting from differences in language, customs and culture. Using a language services company (LSC) like TrueLanguage is paramount in keeping that linchpin staunchly applied. Here are 4 things that you can do to keep your global communication hub running smoothly.

  1. Always Plan Ahead

You must have a strategy. Most companies expect to be able to take their existing content, translate it into the appropriate language and disseminate it immediately. However, quality translation and localization can take longer than you might expect, and rushing the process can result in a disaster. Due to differences in culture, some of your content may be irrelevant and even unwelcome to your target audience. Quality translations require some research into the cultural expectations of your target audience. You’ll have a greater impact when you adjust your marketing to suit the locality. When in doubt about what your target audience expects, consult with TrueLanguage, your language service provider. Our cultural consultancy services can provide a wealth of information about how to adapt your content to align with the cultural expectations of your target markets.

  1. Keep It Adaptable

Because communication can be significantly different when you work with people from other cultures, you’ll need to understand their needs and values. You’ve worked very hard to get everything just right in your domestic content, but effective global distribution may require adjustments. Be sure that you aren’t sending authoritative communications to a culture that expects an open, friendly tone and vice versa. Be willing to adjust color schemes, image designs and even terminology to dynamically reach your new audience. Always be sensitive to the changes that may be necessary to engage your target market.

  1. Keep It Neutral

Did you know that in some other countries a cell phone is referred to as a “hand phone”. What if you didn’t know this and the phrase was translated as “a small room in which a prisoner is locked up” phone. Awkward. And potentially damaging. So, as a rule, it’s best to avoid colloquialisms. Additionally, this is not the occasion to express political or cultural views, and especially not to show any form of bias. Keep in mind that when you operate on the global scale, not everyone is going to agree with generally accepted ideals in the country where you are headquartered. Informative content is important, but make sure to keep it neutral. 

  1. Get It Reviewed

Because maintaining your global brand is of the upmost importance, you must have specialists that can customize the messages for the locality they are meant for. This ensures that the messages are understandable and relevant to your global markets and audiences. You must employ in-country reviewers to comb through your translated messages and suggest the changes that you may need to confidently reach the community.

And of course, you need to employ a top rate business translation service like TrueLanguage to be sure your messages are properly translated to the target language, along with the best cultural and political sensitivities. TrueLanguage can help your global communication in many ways, not only by translating your content but also by providing interpreters when necessary, and even helping to set guidelines for in-country reviewers. To learn more about in-country review, check out our post What Is An In-Country Review and Why Does Your Company Need to Implement It? Our project managers will help train and manage your in-country reviewers to ensure you get the most out of this phase of your translation projects. Our team of translators and interpreters are specialists in over 120 languages and can certainly aid you with your global communication. Request a FREE quote today or call us now at 1-888-926-9245

today and get the help you need.