Localizing mobile apps for your business can lead to great rewards.

The 2012 research published by Distimo (now App Annie) reported that localizing apps led to an increase of 128% in downloads per country added. Companies that invested in app localization saw a 26% increase in revenue for each available localized version.

These dramatic results appeared in as little as one week after a localized app’s release.

The trends in Distomo’s analysis of 200 apps still hold true, and the impact of app localization on businesses is only growing. Both China and India exceeded the U.S.’s total number of app downloads from 2016-2018, with China surpassing America’s 11.3 billion by 600%.

Localization creates a connection with international audiences in a world where English-language apps dominate the market.

Here are five tips for app localization to help your business unlock more revenue:

1. Translate Every Word of Your App (Yes, Every Word!)

Some companies make the mistake of only translating “important” text, while cutting out the rest or simply leaving it in the original language. Remember, your efforts show how serious you are about branching into the global market and how you value your international customers. Users who see a rushed translation or that get a trimmed down experience will doubt your intentions. You must translate every word in your app. Failure to localize help files can even make your app unusable!

2. Consider How Localization Affects Your User Experience

While many languages use the Latin character set, this does not mean the message is the length in the target language as it is in the source language. Linguistic conventions, such as the language’s syntax, may mean messages are longer or shorter than the original. Each screen of your app must be updated to conform to each user’s experience.

Not only may messages in the target language be longer or shorter than the original, they may even be read in a different direction! For example, Hebrew is read from right-to-left, and Japanese can be read from left-to-right or right-to-left. Written Japanese can be organized horizontally or vertically, and the text direction differs with each organization. Written Arabic characters can change substantially based on the characters around them. Adjustments such as these may require you to rethink how your app is navigated.

Your app must also support the user’s local keyboard setup.

Typing with another language’s keyboard can be quite frustrating as it slows you down. Linguistically diverse countries may have several keyboards used in different regions. Failing to incorporate these keyboards can create an unfriendly and aggravating experience as users are forced to adapt. Most simply won’t make the effort.

3. Pay Careful Attention to Symbols and Formats

Closely review all symbols that will appear in your localized app, especially emojis. Many gestures and expressions considered innocuous in the United States and Western Europe may be insulting in other regions. Date formats, currency, and units of measure must be updated across all app screens as well. Of course, the app’s updated numerical output must be 100% accurate!

4. Localize Visual and Graphical Elements

Even a brand whose cachet is language, Rosetta Stone Language Learning, has absorbed its share of criticism for failing to provide culturally relevant visuals in its learning software. Visuals must present a familiar and friendly view of the world, especially photos that depict people.

Reusing visuals in different localizations can be viewed as unflattering and dismissive of your audience. This can make your brand feel like a pushy “outsider” instead of a trusted partner.

5. Provide Your Translators With Enough Context

The most important tip of all is a simple one: Invest in professional translation. The human factor is the best way to provide a consistent, effective localization. Only a professional translator can provide the cultural nuances specific to their region.

But be sure your localization team has enough information to excel.

Raw text is less helpful than mockup screens from your app showing precisely where that text will appear. This provides essential context for the translators as they make their way through the localization process.

Our team brings you proven experience from dozens of app translation projects in languages from every corner of the globe. To find out more about professional app localization, contact us today.