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Those in the market for business translation assistance will naturally have a certain set of concerns in mind when evaluating potential service providers. Of course, the translation needs to be accurate and industry-specific. The service provider needs to be reliable, communicative, and top-notch when it comes to customer service. Last, but certainly not least, one would hope that even the best, most trustworthy services would be affordable.

Value is always a concern when it comes to outsourcing translation projects. However, it’s important to understand up front that translation companies rarely have standing rates posted on their websites or as part of their promotional material. This is because the scope of translation projects can vary so much, that prices are determined by multiple factors.

Each language comes with its own set of demands, considerations, and requirements. The same can be said for each type of document and project. Even so, there is a rhyme and a reason behind how translation companies come up with their rates. Here are some of the factors that figure into the final price charged for a project.

  1. Total Word Count

Any company or independent contractor that specializes in providing clients with polished, professional documents will take the length of those documents into consideration when calculating price. Some companies charge flat rates per page or per 100 words. Still others charge per individual word, as it is the best way to take total post-translation volume into consideration.

Ask your service provider up front how word count figures into their final pricing for a given document. If you’re ordering in bulk, you may wish to ask about discounts or special rates if you order a certain amount of work up front.

  1. Specialized Translation Process

Every translation service will differ as far as how they approach a given project. However, a methodology known as TEP (short for “translate, edit, and proofread”) is among the most common. If the TEP method will be used to produce your translated document, it will first be translated by a professional who is a native speaker of the language in question. Next, it will be edited and refined by another native speaker. Last, but not least, the translated document will be proofread and examined for errors, flow, tone, and clarity.

Translations for specialized fields with their own precise conventions and needs, like legal or government documents, will be put through more specialized translation processes to keep them up to the expected standard. Additions to the process may raise the cost, so keep this in mind.

  1. Use of Software

Whether or not the agency you hire makes use of translation memory software options will also affect the final price of your project. Translation memory software is capable of retaining and recalling records of previously translated phrases, sentences, or words. If a given service provider uses such software, as your project history with them builds, the translation memory will grow. As a result, they’ll eventually be able to power through assignments more quickly, and since previously translated phrases and repetitions are billed at reduced rates, your translation costs will fall.

  1. Special Expertise or Requests

As is the case with any service provider, a translator that has highly desirable skills, expertise, or working experience is likely to charge accordingly for their services. For instance, he or she may charge more if the dialect you’re interested in is rare or complicated. The same goes for projects that require the translator to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to complete your project. Remember: professional translators are skilled knowledge workers, and they know what their skills are worth!

Choosing the Right Provider for You

While the old adage that “you get what you pay for” definitely applies to translation services, it’s still important to make sure you’re getting a solid value for your money. Before you hire a given service provider, do your homework to make sure that you’re really getting your money’s worth. Check their references and carefully consider their work experience when it comes to your industry, as well as the document type you require.

Once you’ve determined that the company in question is right for you, sit down with a rep to discuss price. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have about how they arrived at the price presented to you. Reputable, professional companies are happy to discuss the details of a project with their clients and help you settle on an option that works for you. They’ll be as interested in your getting the best possible translation for your money as you are.